The network of
the Afro-descendant diaspora

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Who are we?

The Afro-descendant diaspora is made up of millions of people across the world who show  energy, talent and ambitions and who are eager to come together to exploit their potential.

The Synergies network is a business and exchange network whose goal is to put Afro-descendant professionals and entrepreneurs in touch.

Our vision

The aim of Synergies is to be an elite network that puts its expertise at the disposal of the Afro-descendant community.

The network

Our events

Our events are « members only ».

However, from time to time, we organise events open to non-members.


Every Synergies member is co-opted.

Our qualitative approach is a guarantee of fruitful synergies.

Besides, during our events, we pay a particular attention to the private life of the network members.


Our members have diverse backgrounds: Liberal professions, high-level athletes, academics, self-taught people, entrepreneurs, private and public sector employees, etc.

Expertise, ambition and vision are the qualities that our members all have.

Our events


The concept is simple: experts are invited to hold a webconference, whose subject is related to financial investments, entrepreneurship or professional life.

Thanks to these webconferences, people can confront expertise, brainstorm and find solutions.

This is both a sharing and a meeting point.


Meeting people is at the core of what we are building.

That is why we often organise networking events. These events are the perfect opportunity to give business cards, to exchange ideas and to talk business.


When a member of the network faces a hurdle, we show support by brainstorming with the appropriate experts to come up with a solution. Synergies also puts its expertise at the disposal of people who are not members of the network.

2024 calendar

Join us

To join the Synergies network you need to be co-opted.

However, if you believe that you can bring more value to the network and if you reckon that Synergies can bring you value as well, feel free to contact us.

Contact us

Any questions or suggestions to share whitch us ? Write to us !

Support us

If you are willing to support the Synergies network and the Afro-descendant community, make a donation through Hello Asso.

Réseau Synergies 2023. All Rights Reserved